Air Conditioning Tune Up Special

Atlanta Air Conditioning Service

$79 Air Conditioning Tune-up Special, Air Conditioner Check-up

If Empire Heating & Air Conditioning provides customers with a special $79 air conditioning tune-up and somehow something fails before September 1st, 2013 customers not only get this great reduced rate, but can also deduct the actual cost of the tune-up from whatever repair charges they/you may require.

What Do Air Conditioning Tune-ups/Check-ups Include For Just $79?

Empire’s air conditioning tune-ups cover it all. Our technicians analyze thoroughly and work efficiently.

Air conditioning tune-ups/checkups include all the basics and more. Our team of experienced professionals monitor refrigerant pressure, test safety controls, check all thermostat calibrations and AC starting capabilities, and replace standard 1″ air filters. Specialty filters are available for great prices as well. Got your own filters? We’ll install them for you while we’re there.

Air conditioning tune-up techs also adjust blower components, tighten electrical connections, inspect evaporator coils, monitor cooling cycles, measure air flows, inspect condensation drains, examine current equipment & installation quality, and apply protective coatings when needed. Of course, we also carefully check voltage and amps. Safety always comes first.

Your indoor climate system must be reliable prior to the warmer summer temperatures. August is no time for an air conditioning unit to sputter or fail. It is best to have your air conditioning system evaluated and tweaked now, so there will be no unexpected summer surprises. We are talking about peace of mind here, for the mere price of a $79 tune-up. Additional systems at the same address only $69 each.

Your Next Step Towards Quality Air Conditioning

Schedule an Empire Heating & Air Conditioning Technician online or call us at 404-294-0900. We’ll make sure that your air conditioning unit runs efficiently and effectively this summer. Maintenance is the name of the game. Take care of those potential troubles before they start. Schedule this great tune-up special today.