Damp, Stuffy, Dusty Home Air? Need Indoor Comfort? Find out how…

Solution:  New American Standard Platinum XM System from Empire Heating and Air Conditioning.

Indoor home air climates tend to become damp/humid, dusty, and stuffy in and around Atlanta. This is not comfortable for you, your family, or guests. The solution is an American Standard Platinum XM two stage air conditioning system. This unit solves all of your indoor air problems. How? Please read on.

Empire HVAC is Solving Humidity, Cooling, And Filtering Needs Efficiently.

You want solutions, not to just throw money into potential home air answers. The problem isn’t the heat as must as the humidity. Empire’s solution for your metro Atlanta home is the two-stage heating and cooling system that can run longer on low speed at a much lower cost and wick that humidity down to get it really comfortable. This system is the American Standard Platinum XM Air Conditioner which offers helps clients save 40-60% on energy costs, while also effectively handling humidity, filtering, and temperature needs.

A bonus of this system is its quiet operating functions and consistent even temperature control from room to room. The unit is environmentally friendly (good for your home and its surroundings) with ozone-friendly refrigerant, and contains two compressors that run at optimal capacity most of the time. It automatically communicates with your other system components. The unit practically thinks for itself!

Atlanta Air Conditioning System Durability

The unit also possesses a special durable Spine Fin coil, and rust-resistant coatings, for endurance and protection from Atlanta’s variable climate elements. Its special Charge Assist improves refrigerant charge accuracy, as well. The point is, what’s not to like about this American Standard two-stage system? Answer: nothing. It’s durable, efficient, effective, and operates smoothly without running-up your utility bills.

Contact Empire Heating and Air Conditioning for your American Standard Platinum XM Two-Stage Unit

The time may well be right for you to make the switch to an American Standard two-stage XM air conditioner. Contact Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, your Atlanta American Standard dealer today at 404-294-0900. Within days you can be enjoying a more comfortable indoor home environment, from a system that will eventually pay for itself in energy cost savings.

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