How Can I Keep My New Heating System Running Effectively?


Customer greets the Empire HVAC technician at the front door with a smile and a hand-shake.

If you’ve replaced your heating system over the last couple of years, you might think that because it’s brand-new, you don’t need to worry about maintenance. While it seems like a newer heating system wouldn’t need it, the fact is, getting the proper maintenance is very important at all stages of equipment life.

Of course, it’s easy enough for us to tell you that you should get maintenance on your heating equipment, but you probably are still wondering why, exactly, you should. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the main benefits of choosing annual maintenance for your heating system, especially as they relate to a newer system. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Benefits of Heating Maintenance for a Newer System

  1. System Warranties: Most heating equipment manufacturers require that you get regular maintenance in order to keep the warranty intact. The warranty may be voided, and that could mean some expensive, out-of-pocket repairs that otherwise would have been covered.
  1. Efficiency: Chances are, your new system is much more efficient than the heating system you replaced. Because it uses less energy, your heating bills are likely more manageable than they were in the past. Maintenance helps keep your heating system operating efficiently, year after year.
  1. Effectiveness: While operating more efficiently, newer systems are also more effective at heating your home. Keeping them tuned up and cleaned are both important parts of helping them stay effective. When you choose annual maintenance, your system will get the tune-up and cleaning it needs to keep performing at the top of its game.
  1. Accurate Records: When your technician performs annual maintenance on your heating system, they’ll keep a record. That can be especially helpful if any issues are noted or any repairs are made. That way, should you encounter any problems in the future, it will be much easier to troubleshoot and make the necessary repairs.
  1. Cleaner Indoor Air: No matter how new your system is, it will accumulate dirt and debris over time. Without proper maintenance, those particles can get circulated through the air – and that can diminish the air quality in your home. Your technician will thoroughly clean your heating system, keeping the dust and debris at bay.

Empire can help you get the heating maintenance you need.

At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, we know how important regular maintenance is for the life of your heating system. That’s why we’re pleased to provide our customers with the annual maintenance they need, regardless of the age of their heating system. When you work with us, you’ll be able to take advantage of our planned maintenance program, which not only will help you keep your heating system running effectively and efficiently this winter and for years to come, but will also provide you with benefits like emergency service and discounts.

To learn more about our planned maintenance program, just give us a call at 404.294.0900. We’ll be more than happy to discuss our programs with you and schedule your heating maintenance appointment with you today!



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