News & Resources

At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, it’s important to us that our customers stay informed about the products and services we proudly offer. Visit this page often for the latest news and educational information on home heating and air conditioning.

Why the Team at Empire Heating and Air Appreciates You

January 27, 2015

The team at Empire Heating and Air is proud to celebrate another great year. As we enter into 2015, we would like to reflect on the work that we did in 2014 and how happy we are to have considerably expanded our client base in the process. Since our company first got its start in the heating and…


Signs That Your Water Heater Is Going Bad

January 15, 2015

As much as you would hope, your home’s water heater is not going to last forever. Even the newer tankless models wear out eventually, and it is always a good idea to detect the signs of failure before things get bad. Needless to say, conventional tank-equipped water heaters pose greater safety hazards when on their…


Tips to Selecting a Furnace for Your Home

January 13, 2015

Most modern homes use central heating systems for their main source of heat in place of the wood burners and fireplaces that were once found in the majority of residential and commercial properties. Furnace technology has evolved over the last few decades, producing many new-age devices designed for maximum energy-efficiency without hindering overall performance output.…


Potential Costs of R-22 Leaks

December 30, 2014

There are many reasons why your HVAC system may not be keeping you as cool and comfortable as before. One possible culprit could be a leak in your system. Although your HVAC system is sealed, over time it is possible for materials to break down and for leaks to occur. Only a seasoned HVAC contractor…


Checklist Items To Consider Before Beginning an HVAC Renovation

December 26, 2014

The HVAC system in your home or place of business is designed to give you a safe and comfortable indoor environment. It’s time to consider replacing it when it can no longer maintain the right temperature and you find yourself paying for heating and cooling repairs more often. You should also consider replacing your system…


How Tankless Water Heaters Work

December 9, 2014

Have you ever thought about how a water heater without a tank could work? Would it last as long? Would it be more cost-efficient? Let’s answer those questions and learn a little more about how tankless water heaters work and how they can be great for your home.


Why Preventative Maintenance is Critical

November 27, 2014

When it comes to having maintenance done, it is best not to push it off. Keeping up with simple routine check-ups can save your business from future incidents. If the heating and air conditioner were to go out in your business during the heat of summer, or the colder months, your clients will be miserable. Customers are not very…


Why Your Gas Furnace is Blowing Out Cold Air

November 25, 2014

It’s getting cold outside. You may wake up on a particularly cold morning and decide that today is the day to kick on the gas furnace. But when you turn it on, all that comes out is more cold air. Why is this happening? Well, these may be the reasons that you need to contact…


Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality This Winter

November 18, 2014

Fall is here and winter is well on its way, which means that the temperatures will continue to drop for the rest of the calendar year. With the colder weather always comes seasonal illnesses. Protect yourself and improve your indoor air quality as much as possible with these great tips from your Empire HVAC contractors. 


Why Choose Radiant Floor Heating?

November 11, 2014

More and more homes these days are being designed and built with the environment in mind. From LEED-certified commercial structures to eco-friendly housing products, the green industry is booming, providing savings for homeowners who decide to go this route. Empire HVAC recommends checking out radiant floor heating for your home for the many benefits it…


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