Things to do Before Turning on Your Heater this Winter

Young woman wrapped in blanket drinking hot tea

When winter hits and you start shivering from the cold, your first impulse is to turn up the thermostat to warm up your home. Before the cold weather sets in you should take some important steps including preventative maintenance, safety inspection and cleaning and debris that has built up. Neglecting these steps may cause your…

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R-22 Phase-Out: What It Means for You?

mother and child enjoy breakfast at table

United States EPA Final Rule Phase Out of R-22 In recent years, the EPA has been phasing out R-22. R-22 is a refrigerant used in older HVAC units to help keep indoor temperatures cooler. As the temperatures get warmer during these hot and long summers, your AC gets used more and more. This places a…

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Ductless Air Conditioning Can Save Money


What’s more southern than sweet tea and Braves baseball in the summertime? Air conditioning! Living in the south means that air conditioning is not a luxury but a necessity.  Unfortunately, those dog days of summer can sometimes lead to expensive power bills and overused AC units.  At Empire HVAC, we would like to tell you…

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Spring HVAC Tips & Tricks

Couple working on accounts

Preparing Your Home For Air Conditioning Season Save Money This Season With These Energy-Saving Guidelines Winter has passed and now it’s time to start cranking up the air conditioning. Usually, our Atlanta weather is fairly mild in the spring, but a few humid days remind us that warm weather is only a few weeks away.…

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What is Your Emergency Plan When the Power Goes Out?

Backup Generator

After several weeks of warmer-than-usual weather, a cold front has finally arrived here in Atlanta. With the temperature below freezing, the only thing we’re missing is a little bit of precipitation before it’s time to start thinking about the chances that an ice storm might strike your area.  Our city does have an effective early…

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Should I Be Worried About My Old HVAC System?

Smiling woman using air conditioner remote controller, switching temperature

How old is the heating and cooling system in your home? Did you know that if it is older than 10 years it could actually be costing you money? This is only one of the reasons why you should consider replacing your old HVAC system. Even if you think your system is running well, here…

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3 Reasons to Buy a Backup Generator for your Home

Backup Generator

Long-term power outages aren’t just inconvenient, they can cause life as you know it to grind to a standstill. Rotten food, the inability to work or to talk to your out-of-town family, and panicked children can cause more problems than the storm that triggered the power outage in the first place! This is why many…

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