News & Resources

At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, it’s important to us that our customers stay informed about the products and services we proudly offer. Visit this page often for the latest news and educational information on home heating and air conditioning.

Air Quality

Why You Need to Change Your Filters

January 3, 2018

Your HVAC filters are the backbone of your entire heating and cooling system. They’re the last line of defense you have between yourself and harmful particulates like dust, dander, and pollen. If you’re not changing your HVAC filters at least once every three months, you should be. At Empire HVAC, we like to advise our…

gathering for dinner

Should I Close My Unused Vents?

December 30, 2017

Everyone’s always looking for tips and tricks to save money on heating and cooling their home. At Empire, we hear this question all the time: “Does it save money to close the air vents in rooms I don’t use?” It makes sense, in theory. Closing vents should just lessen the amount of heated air your…

ductless system

5 Ways to Winterize Your Home

November 15, 2017

  Winter’s in full-swing! Do you really need to “winterize” your home here in the South? You do! Before the cold really sets in, do these five things to ensure your house is fully prepared for the elements.   1. Find Your Drafts Take a spin around your home to look for drafts coming in…

woman feeling hot checks thermostat

Ready to Turn on the Heat? A Few Tips.

October 16, 2017

  Fall weather in Georgia is notoriously unpredictable. For most people, it’s also the time of year when the heat gets switched back on. It’s one of our busiest seasons at Empire Heating & Air Conditioning! Are you getting ready to turn on the heat? Here are a few things to know. Fall is Inspection…

happy family enjoying home

Why You Need a Preseason Heating Tune-Up

September 18, 2017

It’s almost heating season! We know because this is when our phones start ringing off the hook. People turn on their heat for the first time in months and find it’s not working the way they remembered! At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer preseason heating tune-ups in metro Atlanta. Here’s why you need…

dehumidifiers atlanta

What to do About High Humidity in Your Home

August 16, 2017

Here in Georgia, humidity is as certain as summer! Summertime may be over but the warm, wet weather hasn’t left us just yet. That persistent humidity can be a huge challenge for your home over time. Do you have issues with humidity at home? Why High Humidity in Your Home is Bad When humidity levels…

mother and child enjoy breakfast at table

Is Using Fans Energy Efficient or a Waste of Energy?

July 26, 2017

Maybe you’re trying to cut back on the energy usage at your house…smart idea! Turning the thermostat up just one degree during warmer months can save up to 3% on energy costs. Imagine how much more you could save if you implemented alternative cooling methods! Ceiling fans are – by and large – very energy…

Heat Pump

AC Mold: Should You Be Concerned?

July 2, 2017

In a word…yes! Although most air conditioner mold isn’t anything to panic about, it’s not something you want to ignore. Mold growth can occur almost anywhere in your system, from the blower to the vents to the unit itself. Here at Empire HVAC, we get calls all the time from customers concerned about mold. Why…

Residential Heating & Cooling

Coil Cleaning Conundrum

June 26, 2017

During the hottest part of the year, it is easy to forget just how much strain is put on your air conditioning unit while it works as hard as it can to keep up with the demand requested from it. While most of the time your system is working well, things like dust, grime, dirt,…

Couple in living room on devices and relaxing.

The Supply and Demand of the HVAC Service Industry

June 7, 2017

In the heating and air conditioning service industry, it is oftentimes difficult to predict the level of demand from day to day. This, coupled with the seasonal nature of the industry, makes for an interesting scheduling department to say the least. On-demand service is another term for this type of ‘not next week, not tomorrow,…


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