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At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning, it’s important to us that our customers stay informed about the products and services we proudly offer. Visit this page often for the latest news and educational information on home heating and air conditioning.

Heat Pump

A Look at the Impact of Air Conditioning on Modern America

July 21, 2015

Air-conditioning is a part of modern life that most of us take for granted – but without it, we’d be spending a lot more time outdoors and fending off the heat and biting insects that come with summertime in most regions. How has air conditioning changed the way we live, where we shop and how…

Dirty furnace filter

Empire HVAC Explains: Why Does My Air Conditioning Smell?

July 16, 2015

If you’ve been experiencing a smell coming from your air conditioning system, it’s time to look for HVAC repair specialists. If your air conditioning smells, identifying the cause of the smell is important. With HVAC repair in Atlanta, it’s possible to find out what’s causing the smell and have this problem repaired.

Heat Pump

10 Surprising Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality

June 25, 2015

Did you skip out on spring cleaning this year? No worries, there’s still time to get it done! One aspect of spring cleaning and maintenance that some homeowners overlook is HVAC maintenance. Without having necessary annual HVAC inspections and preventative maintenance done, you could end up with poor indoor air quality in your Atlanta home.…


Empire HVAC Explains: Why is My Air Conditioner Frozen?

June 10, 2015

During the hot summer months in Atlanta, you are more likely to run into air conditioning problems. If you notice that your home is not cooling fast enough, know that there are several reasons why this could occur. One of common causes that people seem to overlook is a frozen air conditioning unit. It may…


How Can I Save Money on Energy Bills While I Am Traveling?

June 2, 2015

Who doesn’t like taking a nice vacation every once in awhile? Getting away from the daily work grind is a refreshing way to get back in touch with what really matters. Before you go traveling to a far-off paradise, remember to keep things under control on the home front. Every year, thousands of homeowners forget…


Empire HVAC Explains: Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

May 28, 2015

When you discover water leaking from your air conditioner, you may seem at a loss for what to do. Oftentimes the dehumidifying process of the air conditioner can cause condensation, but leaking water is different than that. There are many factors that can cause a leak, and many of them need to be addressed quickly…


How to Prevent the Effects of Springtime Allergies in Your Home

May 27, 2015

Springtime allergies are a huge problem that many people know all too well. Preventing indoor allergens is one of the most common concerns expressed to Atlanta air conditioning repair companies. Therefore, we are going to talk about some simple steps for preventing springtime allergies and improving the indoor air quality in Atlanta homes.


Residential vs. Commercial HVAC Systems

May 26, 2015

As any Atlanta air conditioning repair company will tell you, having the right equipment for a job is just as important as getting the right price and finding a quality contractor. While there are some common fundamentals when it comes to residential HVAC systems versus commercial HVAC systems, they are not the same. Therefore, it’s vital…


Infographic: How Does an Air Conditioner Work

May 21, 2015

How Does an Air Conditioner Work?

April 28, 2015

Ever wonder how an air conditioner works to cool your home? An air conditioner is a pretty complex machine made up of quite a few moving parts. Here are the parts and how they all work together to cool your home.


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