Heating Systems Explained

Heating 101   It always seems that the coldest night of the year also is the night your furnace will decide to quit working. Today’s furnaces are much more efficient than your parent’s or grandparent’s home heating systems. In order to obtain higher efficiencies, furnaces have become much more complex. This complexity means that there…

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Upgrades for your Home’s Heating System

When it comes time to replace your home’s heating system there are a multitude of upgrades that are available. Which upgrades should you choose? It mostly depends on your home’s heating needs and your desired comforts. A few of these upgrades will provide the most benefit as they relate to energy savings and comfort. The…

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Common Furnace Issues

Furnace Maintenance and Repair Information As your home’s furnace or heat pump works 24 hours a day and seven days a week, it is common for some issues to occur. These heating units are made up of motors, relays, switches and circuitry. As they cycle on and off, some things will fail. In this article,…

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Use my ceiling fans in the winter…Really?

Surprisingly the answer is yes. While most people think of using ceiling fans in the summer, the use of your ceiling fans in the winter can actually make your home more comfortable and reduce your heating bills. As your home’s comfort system puts out that warm cozy air, it naturally rises. This warm air then…

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