Spring is Here. Remember to have you Air Conditioning System Checked

Air Conditioning Maintenance Decatur GA

air conditioning maintenance decatur gaThough most residents of Decatur aren’t yet concerned with their air conditioning, but spring is the perfect time to schedule an annual maintenance check with your trusted HVAC professional. Having your air conditioning unit properly maintained will ensure whole home comfort and hassle-free operation this summer.

A/C Unit Spring Maintenance

  • Filter Change: Your central air system uses the same air circulation pathways to cool your home as your furnace. If you have 1″ filters they should be changed every three months or so, if you have a 4″ extended surface filter once a year is most likely adequate.
  • Condenser Cleaning: Dirt and debris can build up on the outdoor condensing coils and cause your unit to run harder and be less efficient. Coils should be carefully inspected and if needed cleaned with an alkaline solution.
  • Evaporator Cleaning: The evaporator is enclosed in the ductwork. An air conditioning professional can test the static pressure drop across the coil or determine by the operating pressures if the coil needs to be cleaned without removing it from the ductwork. Cleaning can be as simple as brushing to remove surface debris or chemically treating with a self rinsing solution.
  • Clean The Outdoor Unit: Cleaning debris from the outdoor unit is extremely important. This unit has to breathe! If bushes have grown in a way to block the air flow they need to be cut back. Any build up on the outside of the condenser should be cleared away and removed.
  • Check Operation: An HVAC professional will test the operating pressures to determine if your unit is properly charged with refrigerant, check the electrical connections, amperage, capacitors and safeties as part of a full operational test.

Decatur Air Conditioning Maintenance Experts – Empire Heating & Air Conditioning

If your home is equipped with a central A/C unit, it is highly recommended you hire an HVAC professional to perform annual maintenance. At Empire Heating & Air Conditioning we can inspect, clean, and test your unit annually to make sure your HVAC systems are running as efficiently as possible. We also offer service plans to help reduce repair costs if trouble does arise. Please contact us for more information.

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